Brandon John

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I am Brandon John

Electrical Engineer and Security Researcher by day, Theatrical Sound and Light Designer by night.

Check out my Engineering Portfolio.

You can contact me by email at

Aliases: wiresboy, wiresguy, bvjohn

Electrical and Computer Engineering Experience:

MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Cambridge MAAssociate Technical Staff


Apple, Cupertino - Electrical Engineering Intern

JUNE 2020 - SEPTEMBER 2020 (Remote from home due to pandemic)

JUNE 2019 - AUGUST 2019

MIT FSAE Electric Racecar Team, CambridgeElectrical Engineer

AUGUST 2017 – JANUARY 2021

Aptiv, Kokomo - Electrical Engineering Intern

MAY 2018 - JULY 2018

Grid Connect Inc., Naperville - Engineering Intern

MAY 2016 - AUGUST 2017

Team 3061 Huskie Robotics, Naperville - Chief Robot Designer

AUGUST 2013 - MAY 2017

Green Light Industries, West Chicago - Programmer/PCB Designer

JANUARY 2011 - JULY 2013

You can contact me by email at